
One of the most memorable moments was the screening

Marisa Villa said goodbye to the world of Buy Fifa Coins active refereeing in a fitting tribute paid him companions, entities and other persons related to this group. No referees missed this event active as Undiano Mallenco, Iglesias Villanueva, or Delgado Ferreiro Iglesias Prieto, and his fellow Castilian Monescillo Archdeacon Mancha, Mu? Butler, Alberola Rojas, and Sobrino Magan.

Managers of this world as Negreira Enriquez, Mu?oz de Morales, Pedro Galán, Fermín Molina and Pablo Sánchez Burillo also made an appearance, as it could not be otherwise. In short, a large cast of personalities arbitration was taxed an emotional farewell to Marisa Villa, one of the Spanish referees that have gone furthest.

One of the most memorable moments was the screening of two videos that will set up their own colleagues, both in Spain and abroad, in which sequences were, fortunes, anecdotes Marisa Villa during many stages as a referee. Then the protagonist emphasized in his speech, excited, I never thought that arbitration would give  Fifa 17 Coins him so much.Marisa Villa took his first steps in the arbitration in the year 1998 and was ascending rapidly. http://musikindie.com/profiles/blogs/silva-took-the-focus-off-his-frustrated-team

