
The driven pass is the new addition in FIFA 16

And when a player is making a run between defenders, if it goes too far and the keeper gets it, its not because you put too much power on it, its either the passing skill of the passer (and ofcourse, bad luck from the game engine) OR its just that the pass is miss-timed in  Fifa 16 Coins regards to the run made, this will result in a bad pass.

If you time it correctly, the pass will be perfect.The normal pass is still extremely effective, and should be your most used pass, its easier to recieve and quick to execute.

The driven pass is the new addition in FIFA 16, and its great. Use this towards ANY player that has a defender near him or close to the passing lane. (player stats becomes very important here). As a rule of thumb, 90% of the time you pass to your strikers, you will want to Cheap Fifa 16 Coins  use this type of pass, or else it will be intercepted.

